by Diane | | college, education, entrepreneur, Family Life, homeschool, Life Skills
Life Skills are passed from one generation to the next Life skills enrich us as individuals, families, and communities. I grew up on a farm. My Dad was a self-employed mechanic and tow truck operator. My Mom helped him with the garage, farm. She also had a small...
by Diane | | Family Life, homeschool, Uncategorized
Homeschool grades are often a source of discussion. Homeschool grades are a mystery to many. While homeschooled students are often credited with having a strong work ethic and unending quest for knowledge, we wonder how to grade their accomplishments. Most are adept...
by Diane | | entrepreneur, Family Life, homeschool, small business
Interested in exploring the world of Homeschool Entrepreneurship? “Entrepreneurs, in the purest sense, are those who identify a need—any need—and fill it. It’s a primordial urge, independent of product, service, industry or market.” – ...