Lavender Bath Scrub

Imagine soaking in a warm bath tub with this Lavender Bath Scrub.

Add a few more drops of lavender essential oils to the bath water and just feel the tensions of the day melting away.  I enjoy a bit of quiet music, perhaps my essential oil infuser nearby, and nothing more!  Our lives can get pretty hectic, especially with today’s current demands.  Make this easy lavender bath scrub, and find a little harmony in your own bath.

Of course, it’s best if all ingredients are organic.  These scrubs can be made up ahead of time and stored in a tightly sealed jar.  Make a few ahead for yourself and to share as gifts.  Can you imagine the joy that a tired Mom might have if you give her this, accompanied by a little note that you’ll watch her kids for a couple of hours?  These are inexpensive to make and will provide a wonderful health and mood boost!

Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils and is also one of the most popular.  It’s a healthy immune booster, known for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral bacteria properties.

More information on Lavender

Visit My Young Living Site


Lavender Bath Scrublavender body scrub 3


1 C Epsom Salt
1/2 C Coconut Oil
17 drops of  Lavender Essential Oil
2 TBSP Lavender Seeds


-Add the coconut  in a medium bowl.
– Work with the coconut oil with the back of a spoon to mash it.
-Add the Epsom salt and mix with the coconut oil.
-Mix in the Lavender Essential oil.
-Mix in the Lavender seeds.
– Stir until fully  mixed.
-Store in a bottle of your choice.


Lavender Bath Scrub, in a beautiful jar, makes a great gift.  Be sure to attach a little message about lavender and it’s many benefits, or just a link to my post  that describes the many benefits of using lavender.

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