Heart of Christmas Farms


Please note: This page is still in progress!
Check out our Facebook page for current information


Many in the central Florida area have enjoyed fresh produce from our family farm, Heart of Christmas Farms. Christmas Country Mom began as a site to post recipes and health information to those following our farm.

Our availability changes frequently, according to what is ready that particular day. Please contact us by email or phone, or check out our Facebook page for current information.


In addition to receiving our weekly availability page, you might choose to browse our recipes. We feature select vegetarian and vegan recipes that our family enjoys. Some are long-time family favorites, re-created from family favorites handed down from my mother and grandmother. Others include recipes we’ve discovered in recent years.

Additionally, we continue to add recipes from our favorites. Our family enjoys cooking and eating healthy foods. However, we also enjoy sharing our favorites with others. So stop by often and enjoy fresh organic food from our family farm!






Christmas Country Mom

Our Heart of Christmas Farms family favorite vegetarian recipes appear on Christmas Country Mom.

In fact, you might choose one ingredient and use our search function to find recipes that use that ingredient. For instance, to find recipes that use broccoli, enter “broccoli” in search. The search will list recipes on this site that use broccoli.

***Search is being updated***
please stop by soon for a new look!

Vegan Globetrotter

Vegan Globetrotter features authentic/traditional recipes from countries around the world using only plant-based foods. However, you might choose to include dairy or eggs where we use vegan substitutes. In fact, we offer suggestions to modify most recipes on this site.

We add recipes frequently to this site. Subscribe to Vegan Globetrotter to ensure that you receive our updates and special offers.

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