Our pets live with us and share our home, but also enjoy running outside and seem to always be getting dirty. I don’t groom professionally anymore, but I’m always looking for a good, but natural shampoo that I can use on my own pets, something that is easy on their skin but that cleans, too. Dancing Pet Best Groomer’s Natural Pet Shampoo seemed like a good product to try.
This shampoo is advertised to be easy on skin, especially dry skin, and moisturizing. We have several breeds of dogs, some with normal skin, but some with dry skin issues. Oatmeal is a good additive to help with dry skin issues but some dogs are allergic to it, so Dancing Pets uses a grain-free alternative that is known to help with skin irritations and will help heal minor skin problems, too.
The Dancing Pet shampoo is easy to use. Wet your dog down thoroughly with warm water. I find its best to put the shampoo on my hands and rub them together, then massage into the dog’s coat. It’s also possible to mix with a little warm water, then apply the dilution to the dog’s coat. Massage in thoroughly, then rinse well. This shampoo rinses out cleanly, leaving the coat bright and sparkling, just as I expect of a good quality shampoo.
I noticed no irritation from the shampoo itself, and it does seem to soothe those with sensitive skin. We don’t have any dogs with major skin problems, but it seems to help with the minor ones. Now, if only Dancing Pet can come up with a shampoo that keeps them from getting dirty! <smile>
This shampoo is made in the USA and is all natural. It has a pleasant smell of its own, but as with most shampoos, you can enhance that with a couple of drops of your favorite dog friendly essential oil. For sensitive skin, I like rose, lavender, or chamomile, but others are wonderful, too.
My Young Living Essential Oils are available online here
I recommend this shampoo for most types of dogs. It seems to work well on normal skin and dry skin. Dancing Pet is a good company and offers a 100% money back guarantee.
I received this at a reduced price or free in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed are entirely my own
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