by Diane | | Farm Life, Food, Grow your own food, Pets
Many communities now allow homeowners to keep a few hens in backyard coops. While you might not save money by keeping chickens rather than buying store bought eggs, you will have the advantage of knowing your eggs are fresh and from happy, healthy hens! Why free range...
by Diane | | Farm Life, Food
Eggs—what is the difference between commercial eggs, cage free eggs, and free range eggs? Commercial– Most of the eggs available in your grocery store are from hens raised and kept in cages. Although they receive a balanced diet to ensure that they are able to lay...
by Diane | | Uncategorized
Japanese Egg Roll – a different way to enjoy your eggs Egg Roll – We tend to think of the fried version from our favorite Chinese restaurant, stuffed with shredded vegetables and possibly meats, and often with enough oil that we need an extra napkin. ...