Interested in exploring the world of Homeschool Entrepreneurship?
“Entrepreneurs, in the purest sense, are those who identify a need—any need—and fill it. It’s a primordial urge, independent of product, service, industry or market.” –
Homeschooling and Entrepreneurship are a natural fit. Although many homeschoolers choose to work in a corporate setting, many choose the entrepreneurial route instead. Many begin their pursuits at an early age and by the time they are adults, have an extensive amount of experience in entrepreneurship and small business. Some are involved in inventing new products or perhaps redesigning an existing product. Others find their niche in sales or marketing of products or services. The possibilities are endless for those with the time and creativity to pursue them.
What makes a good business for a homeschooled teen or young adult? The answer lies with the individual. What is he interested in? Where are her talents? What is within his access? Is the family already involved in a business?
Raymond and Dorothy Moore, founders of The Moore Foundation, are often called the grandparents of today’s homeschool movement, strongly recommended small business experience for homeschoolers of all ages.
Read More: The Moore Approach
Their work-study approach is continued by many today. Even those that choose to work for another business as an adult find that their experience with a small business or entrepreneurship helps them later in life. For those that choose to continue as small business owners, the experiences gained are incredibly valuable, too.
Some businesses can be started with almost no investment while others require a considerable amount to begin. For the average homeschooler, it’s usually best to begin with less investment and learn as you go. Babysitting, lawn mowing, and other traditional starter jobs are a consideration, but you might also look beyond those. lists 27 possible businesses ) that require less than $1000 start-up. Many of these require very little investment, some almost none.
The Cleaning Company was started by Don Aslett while he was in college, in need of extra money. Although not a homeschooler, his work-study approach is similar to that of many homeschoolers today. After college, he continued his business, modifying it to become one of the prominent cleaning supply companies and becoming an author of books related to cleaning.
Another business that can be started for very few dollars is gardening. You might grow your own flowers or vegetables to sell when they are mature. Selling transplants is another alternative. Another creative approach is to set up and maintain a garden for other people. Still others might choose to host a community garden.
Thousands of options, perhaps more, exist for young people to try their hand at the entrepreneur lifestyle. Homeschoolers often have the benefit of extra time to devote to these projects and the passion necessary. The individualized study approach of homeschooling lends itself to the work-study model and encourages a strong business pursuit in many homeschoolers.
Beyond the business education, homeschoolers find that they can actually earn a decent income from their work-study businesses and many continue into this or another business full time after graduation. Those that choose the college path often use their business as a means toward helping pay their way through college.
Whatever works for your homeschooler, the lessons learned from the work-study entrepreneurship will prove useful in all areas of life. The skills learned will benefit him or her throughout.